Upstream Works Omni AI Hub

AI-Powered Efficiency with a Human Touch

Upstream Works Omni AI Hub Powers Self-Service and Agent Assistance
in On-Premise and Cloud Contact Centers

Upstream Works Omni AI Hub is a centralized framework and suite of AI orchestration capabilities that allow on-premise and cloud contact centers to operationalize their choice of AI, accelerate innovation, and enable contact center automation. Omni AI Hub powers virtual customer self-service and real-time agent assistance and features AI flexibility, AI Messaging Link, Agent Assist, Assist Knowledge, and Performance Analytics.

AI-Powered Agent Assist – Summaries, Transcriptions, Sentiment, Intent & Transitions

Upstream Works Agent Assist provides AI-powered agent guidance in real-time and contact center automation across voice, messaging and email* channels. Integrate with the AI application of your choice, including Upstream Works AI model and third-party AI providers.

The Insights Area standardizes conversation summaries, transcriptions, customer and agent sentiment, intent and details. Agent Assist also has the ability to automate the delivery of real-time contextual information pulled from templates and knowledge, including Upstream Works Assist Knowledge or third-party knowledge.

AI Messaging Link – Virtual Customer Assistant

The AI Messaging Link is a virtual customer assistant that connects Upstream Works Unified Digital Messaging (UDM) channels with your choice of bots to provide interactive self-service engagements. The third-party bots of your choice will interface with UDM channels, including Smart Chat, SMS, Facebook Messenger^, WeChat^ WhatsApp^, and X DM^, to interact conversationally with customers.

The AI Messaging Link has the flexibility to utilize one or multiple bots across messaging channels; supports rich media including quick reply buttons, images, date pickers, and forms; and provides seamless transitions/escalations to an agent. Upstream Works AI automates conversation summaries, including customer/ bot and customer/agent conversations.

AI Flexibility with Upstream Works AI and Third-Party AI

The Omni AI Hub provides contact centers with the flexibility to choose their AI, including native Upstream Works AI model operating on-premise and cloud (VPC) and third-party AI to power virtual customer assistance and agent assistance. With fully integrated AI and agent desktop solutions, on-premise and cloud contact centers can quickly augment productivity and gain efficiency.

Upstream Works AI is our native AI model that is ready to use out-of-the-box and powers real-time guidance and automation, including conversation summaries, transcriptions, customer and agent sentiment, intent, and transitions/escalations across voice (inbound), email* and messaging channels.

AI-Enabled Assist Knowledge

With Agent Assist, contact centers can automate the delivery of real-time contextual information from knowledge to agents and customers, including Upstream Works Assist knowledge or third-party knowledge. Upstream Works Assist knowledge is a centralized and consistent omnichannel knowledge base that is AI-enabled to provide agents with informative articles, content suggestions, summaries, and responses.

AI Performance Analytics & A/B Tests

Optimize your AI with the Omni AI Hub. Our performance analytics include A/B testing of multiple AI providers for the same types of conversation, the same queues, intent, and sentiment.


Enterprise-Ready & Platform Choice

Upstream Works Omni AI Hub and desktop solutions are secure, scalable, flexible, and easy to manage. Our solutions are SOC 2 and HIPAA compliant.

Omni AI Hub is available on all platforms supported by our solutions, including Amazon Connect, Cisco Finesse, Webex Contact Center and digital-only desktop solutions.

*Omni AI Hub support for email currently requires a third-party integration. Upstream Works email AI will be available in 2025.

^Requires connection with third-party messaging platforms.

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